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Your own retreat
Yoga, meditation, nature and conversation can change your life.
Arbottna Herrgård offers retreats led by experienced and knowledgeable teachers. You can also come here for a shorter or longer stay that you shape yourself. Arbottna is open to you and your needs, every day of the year. Tell us what you want to achieve with your stay and how we can best help you.
Whether you are stressed and feeling tired, or feeling lonely or depressed, a few days with Arbottna's nature, socializing, food and drink, beautiful soothing manor environment and silence can make a difference. We can promise you that a few days here will do you good.
For body and soul your inner calm
Arbottna Manor is a health and wellness retreat that offers activities to help you feel better in a warm and caring environment. There is yoga, a restful and friendly manor to stay in, meditation and conversation.
Ground yourself in nature get to know yourself
At Arbottna, it’s easy to embrace nature and values like empathy, love and community. Here is the foundation for a life in balance. The beautiful surroundings heal and re-energize: the rich wildlife, the gentle paths in the forest, the salt-splashed beaches and the vibrant cultural landscape.
Book your stay at Arbottna Herrgård
Plan your stay the way you want it. Yoga and guided meditation are offered upon request for our guests.
Come as you are
No prior knowledge required
Experience the feeling of a retreat. It doesn't matter if you have years of experience or are a total beginner. Come as you are to our paradise and gather new strength. Arbottna has skilled leaders who want to help you feel better.